Ensuring the Land Laws Work for Widows Affected and Infected by HIV


“Research suggests that women who have secure access to ownership and control over land and other assets are better able to avoid relationships that threaten them with HIV, and to manage the impact of AIDS.” This is according to the Global Commission on Women and AIDS “Keeping the promise, an agenda for Action on Women & AIDS,’’2006.

KELIN will carry out a capacity building workshop on women’s property rights for widows affected or infected by HIV from 25 to 27 August, 2014 in Kisumu County. The objective of the workshop is to strengthen the capacities of widows on land property rights.

The workshop will provide an opportunity for the participants to engage in discussions on the following topical issues;

1.     History of land & property rights in Kenya.

2.     Constitutional provisions that protect land and property ownership.

3.     Cultural attitudes to land and property ownership by women.

4.     Traditional justice systems

5.     Legal framework in Kenya on land, property and inheritance rights.

The participants will get an opportunity to learn through a participatory process that will include structured power point presentations, question and answer sessions, case studies, experience sharing and video screening sessions.

It is expected after the three day training, capacities of widows will be strengthened on their roles in creating an enabling legal environment for women to access, own and inherit land. Recommendations from the training will inform KELIN in promoting the delivery of better services.

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