Homa Bay County Officials to Participate in Dialogue on Multi-Sectoral Approach to HIV Response

According to the recently published county profiles by the National AIDS Control Council NACC), Homa Bay has a HIV prevalence rate of 27.1%. The NACC Road Map further points out that 65% of new HIV infections occurred in nine of the 47 counties, Homa Bay County being contributing the highest at 14.8%. In an attempt to push for county ownership and a multi-sectoral response to HIV, KELIN in partnership with NEPHAK will carry out a dialogue forum on 4 September 2014 in Homa Bay County.

The dialogue, which is supported by Aids Fonds, will provide a platform for candid discussions between representatives of persons living with HIV, health care workers, lawyers, members of the County Executive Committee, County Assembly, law enforcement officers, judicial officers, key populations, sex workers, and other stakeholders, on issues relating to HIV, human rights and the law that affect the county. The discussions aim to generate a rights-based multi-sectoral county response to HIV with a focus on legislation and policy development.

KELIN has undertaken similar activities in the counties of Kilifi, Mombasa, Nakuru and Uasin Gishu which have yielded positive commitments from county members towards upholding rights of PLHIV and TB patients.

The aim of the dialogue is to enhance a multi-sectoral response to HIV within Homa Bay County, which will go a long way in getting to zero HIV related stigma, zero new infections and zero HIV related deaths. 

We welcome contributions to the discussions during the forum, by using our social media platforms below:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KELINKenya using hashtag #HIVLaw
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kelinkenya
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/kelinkenya