Law Enforcement Officers and Health Care Workers Set Out Plans to Guarantee Access to TB Services for Key Population

On 7-9 June 2017, KELIN, in partnership with AIDS and Rights Alliance of Southern Africa (ARASA), ENDA Santé, Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC) and the United Nations Development Programme Regional Office (UNDP Regional Office) conducted a three day outstanding regional forum on HIV, TB, human rights and the law.

The regional forum provided an avenue for sensitization of over 130 law enforcement officers, health care workers and other stakeholders from Kenya, Botswana, Malawi, Nigeria, Senegal, Seychelles, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia on the challenges community members face in accessing TB services, both in prison settings and when in the general population. TB survivors shared their personal testimonies to highlight the challenges they have faced.

Speakers at the forum, who included judges, lawyers, TB survivors, experts among others, advanced the need to ensure that a rights-based approach is adopted in measures to end TB.

Dr Stella Bosire, the CEO, Kenya Medical Association (KMA) highlighted the crucial need of partnerships for better service delivery of HIV and TB intervention when she said:

“A multi-sectorial approach is key in management of HIV and TB. The synergy between law enforcement officers and health care workers will lead to reduction of infection rate, increase uptake and access to health services, while at the same time upholding human rights and prevention of health related violations.”


At the end of the meeting, participants committed to implementing the “Africa Regional Grant – Removing Legal Barriers” within their specific countries through development of action plans. Some of the action plans included; better inclusion of key population in the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) and advocating for stigma reduction and removal of legal barriers so as to guarantee access to TB services for key population.

The forum was also used as an opportunity to implement and advance the “The Nairobi Strategy” which advocates for rights based approach to TB intervention across the world, through various means including sensitization of professionals and service providers.

To contribute to the discussions on this forum, follow KELIN on our social media platforms: Twitter: @KELINkenya using these hash tags: #Justice2health; Facebook:


For more information, contact:

Ted Wandera

Program Officer

Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV/AIDS (KELIN)

4th Floor, Somak Building, Mombasa Road

Tel +254202515790; Cell +254788220300