Call For Applications: Three Days Seminar for Advocates on HIV Law and Human Rights (Kakamega, 24-26 September, 2014)

KELIN is a legal NGO working to promote and protect HIV related human rights in order to achieve the full enjoyment of HIV related rights by all. We do this by:

(a)  Providing free legal services and support to people who have suffered human rights violations – especially people living with HIV or affected by health issues – in collaboration with our network of pro bono lawyers.

(b)  Strategic and public interest litigation to influence laws and policies from a judicial perspective.

(c)  Training for health professionals, lawyers, community workers and networks of people living with HIV about the rights-based approach to providing services.

(d)  Advocacy campaigns that promote awareness of human rights issues to governments, organizations and communities;

(e)  Research on issues relating to human rights, legal issues and health, influencing new policy and supporting evidence-based change.

KELIN has five thematic areas of work namely: (1) HIV and Tuberculosis (TB), (2) Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, (3) Women Property Rights with the intersection to health, (4) Access to medicines and palliative care, (5) Key Populations and access to health services (sex workers, prisoners, and injecting drug uses). In implementation of its programmes, KELIN utilizes a rights based approach that enhances the affected communities’ capacity to engage with those responsible to ensure these rights are fulfilled.

KELIN, in partnership with the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) and The National Empowerment Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS in Kenya (NEPHAK), is pleased to announce a call for applications to advocates who would like to participate in a forthcoming three day seminar on HIV, law and human rights.  Applicants are required to fill the requisite application forms and share as much detail as possible.

Funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP- Kenya), the seminar seeks to develop a critical understanding among legal practitioners on HIV, the law and related human rights in order to influence an increase in legal services for HIV related violations, and sound case laws on this issue in Kenya. The three day seminar will be held in Kakamega from 24-26 September, 2014.

Criteria for eligibility:

  • The call for application is open to advocates who litigate or have an interest to litigate on HIV related human rights.
  • It is desirable that advocates have an affiliation to an NGO, a law firm or institution. A total of 20 participants will be selected;
  • Must have a demonstrated interest in and/or knowledge on HIV related human rights issues in Kenya;
  • Must also have a demonstrated interest in and/or knowledge of international and regional human rights law in relation to HIV
  • Must be resident in, and actively engaged in practice, in the counties of Kakamega, Vihiga, Busia, Bungoma, and Trans Nzoia;
  • Members of the LSK’s Public Interest Committee and the Medical Legal Committee will have an added advantage;
  • Must be committed to attending the entire three day seminar;

Invitations are welcome only from committed candidates who are agreeable to join the database of the KELIN pro bono lawyers, and will be available to provide legal services in this regard, including participating in legal aid clinics and litigation that will be conducted by KELIN, in 2014 and thereafter.

Closing date for applications: Friday, 5 September, 2014

How to apply:

Please download and complete the application form, and submit it together with your Curriculum Vitae to . Only applications in the prescribed format will be accepted.

Should you require any further information regarding the workshop and eligibility criteria kindly contact Belice Odamna at

Applicants will be notified soon after the closing date and should be available for telephone interviews on Monday, 8 and 9 September, 2014